3 Lemon Pickle Recipes / नींबू के अचार की 3 विधियां

Traditional Punjabi lemon pickle recipes made with simple methods. Perfect for preserving lemons with spices.

Recipe 1
- 1kgLemon with thin peel
- 250gGinger
- 50gDry Red Chilli
- 20pieceCloves
- 4pieceBlack Cardamom
- 2pieceCinnamon Stick
- 5tbspSendha Namak
- 1tbspDegi Mirch
- 20pieceBlack Pepper Corn
- 2tbspBlack Salt
- 1tspRed Chilli Powder
- 1tbspCumin Seeds Powder
- 2tbspCarom Seeds
- 2tbspPowdered Sugar
Recipe 2
- 1kgKagzi Lemons
- 2pieceBlack Cardamom
- 1tbspBlack Pepper Corn
- 1tbspCumin Seeds
- 10pieceCloves
- 2pieceCinnamon Stick
- 2tbspBlack Salt
- 2tbspWhite Salt
- 1tbspRed Chilli Powder
- 1tbspDegi Mirch
- 2tbspAjwain
- 2tbspRoasted Cumin Seeds Powder
- 1cupSugar
Recipe 3
- 2kgLemon
- 250gRed/Green Chilli
- 4tbspBlack Salt
- 4pieceBlack Cardamom
- 2tbspAjwain
- 1tbspRed Chilli Powder
- 10pieceCloves
How to make 3 Lemon Pickle Recipes / नींबू के अचार की 3 विधियां
Recipe 1
Soak lemons in water for 2 hours. Dry and cut into squares.
Peel, wash, and cut ginger lengthwise. Sun dry for 2 hours.
Coarsely grind cloves, black cardamom, cinnamon stick, sendha namak, degi mirch, and black pepper corn.
Mix all ingredients together. Squeeze juice of half of the lemons.
Transfer into a glass jar. Keep in the sun for a month or in a dry place.
Recipe 2
Soak kagzi lemons in water for 2 hours, then dry thoroughly. Slit from both sides but keep sides intact.
Coarsely grind black cardamom, black pepper corn, cumin seeds, cloves, and cinnamon stick.
Mix black salt, white salt, red chilli powder, degi mirch, ajwain, and roasted cumin seeds powder with the coarsely ground masala.
Squeeze out the juice of the lemons with hands. Mix all the masala and sugar with the lemons.
Transfer to a jar. Keep in sunlight for at least 1 month.
Recipe 3
Mix all ingredients together.
Transfer to a jar and let it sit for a few days until ready.
Tips & Tricks
Ensure lemons are thoroughly dried before mixing with spices to prevent spoilage.
Sun drying enhances the flavors and helps preserve the pickle.
Preeti Kalia
Authentic Punjabi Recipes Easy cooking videos Collabs- preetikalia179@gmail.com Jalandhar
Marnirni-apinthi Building, Lot Fourteen,
North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000