The truth behind GMOs - should we fear them?

Separating myths from the truth of genetically modified organisms

by Ishita Shree

Maize planted in straight rows on each side.

Table of Contents


    The Bottom line

    Most foods that we consume today are in some way or other genetically modified. GMOs have made growing crops easier and cost-effective, resulting in greater yields for the farmer and cheaper purchases for the consumers. These were some areas where agriculture has struggled for ages.

    So far, the studies ensure that GMOs are safe for use. However, future discoveries might change this. Although genetic modification in crops is not a new thing, mass production of GMO crops is relatively new, so research is still ongoing. Regardless, of the controversies surrounding it, there is no evidence of GMO foods being harmful to human health.


    Chefadora uses only high-quality sources to support the facts within our articles
    Wikipedia, Health Line, Medical News Today, Scientific American, Alliance for Science, Bio Fortified, The Breakthrough, Michigan State University, Digital Repositary

    Updated on 30 Dec 2024

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