Clafoutis aux cerises

- 30gbutter
- 100gcaster sugar
- 625cherries
- 45gplain flour
- 1pinchiodize salt
- 150mL.milk
- 75gdouble cream
- 4pcs whole eggs
- 2pcs. Egg yolk
- 45mL. Kirsch
- 30mL. Icing sugar
Brush the dish with melted butter, sprinkle some caster, sugar into a dish,stone the cherries spread the cherries in a n even layer over the bottom of the prepared baking dish. Sit the flour and pinch of salt into a medium bowl and make a well in the center with your finger,pour milk and cream into the well and stir with a whisk, gradually drawing in the flour to make a smooth paste, Add the whole egg, and the egg yolk, and caster sugar and continue whisking to make smooth batter, heat oven 180 degrees just before baking , ladle the butter over cherries,then spoon over the kirsch,bake the CLAFOUTIS in the heated over until puffed up and begining to brown 30-35 minutes . Just before serving sprinkle the CLAFOUTIS with the icing sugar using small sieve.
Jose Arnel Bugtong
International chef. Make something deferent from the others.
Marnirni-apinthi Building, Lot Fourteen,
North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000